Interview with Simon Frith – April 10 at 6 PM
Populaarimusiikin tutkija, toimittaja ja kirjailija Simon Frith vierailee Turun musiikkikirjastossa. Frith saapuu professori Martin Cloonanin haastatteluun musiikkikirjaston Stagelle tiistaina 10. huhtikuuta 2018. Tilaisuus alkaa klo 18. Vapaa pääsy.
Turun pääkirjasto | Turku City Main Library
Musiikkiosasto | Music Department
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20100 Turku
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Simon Frith.
Simon Frith is Emeritus Professor of Music at the University of Edinburgh and a Fellow of the British Academy. He was one of the pioneers of popular music studies in the academy, a founder member and sometime chair of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music.
Frith is author of Sound Effects: Youth, Leisure and the Politics of Rock ’n’ Roll and Performing Rites: On the Value of Popular Music, and, as editor, has published books on music and policy, music and the visual media, world music, music copyright, and the art of record production. He also had a long career as a music journalist and rock critic and was chair of the judges of the Mercury Music Prize for 25 years.
Simon will be interviewed by Professor Martin Cloonan (Director, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies).
Frithin kirjoittamia/toimittamia teoksia voi lainata kirjastosta. Katso valikoimaa VaskiFinnasta.